POBOS Burnout Scan

Please indicate to what extent you find the following statements appropriate for yourself, and this in the last two weeks. There is no right or wrong answer, and many of these answers may vary over time, we just want to know how these things currently feel to you. So please click on the current, most 'appropriate' answer. If necessary, print the completed questionnaire and take it with you to your next appointment with your professional counsellor. You can fill in the questionnaire as many times as you wish. The POBOS Burnout Scan was developed by neuropsychologist Michael Portzky.

Not at all

Rather not agree

Rather agree

Strongly agree

I notice that more often I haven't achieved that much during a working day, because I'm more and more occupied with "useless" things like Facebook, games, reading, ...

I find myself increasingly irritated when people ask me at family parties or other social occasions how I am doing at work, because I don't want to think about it, or I get angry when I tell them how things are at the moment.

Had I known everything in advance, I would not have chosen this job.

I don't sleep very well on Sunday night, because I am already thinking about what the next working week will bring.

Lately, I have been having more and more stomach/intestinal problems or stool problems.

If I were to speak my mind at work, they would be shocked!

I ask myself more and more whether I am actually capable of doing this job?

On Sunday afternoon, my mood is already below zero because the next working week is coming up.

I am having more and more problems meeting my deadlines because I procrastinate for too long.

I am really counting down to the next holiday period.

"Switching off" at weekends is becoming more and more difficult; after all, my mind is still set on the job.

When I am working, time really flies.

Media reports that we will probably have to work longer, that makes me discouraged.

I think it's OK that they sometimes call me from the workplace during weekends or holidays for things I'm better at than others.

When I come home from work, my battery is really empty.

The daily loss of time due to commuting really starts to annoy me.

Lately, I have been having more frequent headaches.

I think that "the good old days" at work are not coming back in terms of atmosphere and job satisfaction.

Lately, I have been forgetting things more often, and I am also more distracted, which causes me to make mistakes and being more sloppy.

I used to care about my work being well done, now I care less and less.

Nowadays, I often fall asleep on the sofa while watching TV.

If I wouldn't need it financially, I'll quit the job I'm doing now!

When a project is completed, it still gives me great satisfaction.

I think that since we got a smartphone from work, we are too reachable for work, even at times when they should leave us alone. (If you don't have a smartphone from work, replace it with the mails for work).

I used to laugh at all those who said they had burnout; now I know better.

As it is now, I would not advise other people to do the same job as me.

Lately, I find that I am more irritable or distracted when I come home after work or I have received comments about this from those around me.

I often have the feeling that at work they are not so satisfied with my quality of work.

I more often experience the goals I have to achieve by the end of the working year as unattainable or unrealistic.

People sometimes say that during weekends or holidays I "blossom" and seem less stressed.

SCORES: This questionnaire is a screening tool only and NOT a diagnostic test. For a full diagnosis, additional examination by a physician or clinical psychologist is required. The score therefore only gives an indication of the possible presence (or risk) of burnout.